Thursday, 29 May 2008

Design Document updated

Design Document for finished game.

Click to open PDF

Finished Game: What Alan did...

Though this may need tweaking, here is what I have done overall:

- Attended all meetings/discussions, organised certain meetings too

- Produced the first idea of the game involving sushi and Japanese influences

- Drew possible designs for Mokuyoyo and other characters (Will then illustrated)

- All game audio, composed soundtracks, character voices, sound effects

- Sourced multiple Japanese inspiration (film, TV shows, games, anime, humour, text)

- translated the final english text to japanese for the billboards

- Construction of 'lose' sequence and cutscene at the start of the game

Thursday, 15 May 2008

A summary of what I have done - Sandy

This is just a quick summary of what I have done over the course of this project.

Within the early stages we brainstormed and collarborated to produce a number of different ideas and concepts for our game.
We then split into our roles and started on our decided final idea.

I was given a more management type role so I started on the design document and wrote up a basic brief schedule for us to follow in order to have the game completed for the deadline.

We worked together to sort out our storyline and the finer details of our game.

I helped Will at the early stages of the game production with some elements of the game scripting in order to get the canon following the mouse and for the ammo to fire on the mouse click. Later on in the game I also helped to try and understand and concieve a way to set up a way to "score" the game and how the player would know how well they had done.

Later on towards the end of the game I set up an html page and directory structure for the game and also used java script to make sure that the game would open in a new browser window at a set size.



here is a summary of my part in the creation of this game..

- Provided input into the game concept and the development of the game through attending meetings

- Produced all the final illustrations used throughout the game

- Produced all of the animation in the game play and cut scenes

- Ended up doing a lot of coding (with help from david) when it needed to be completed close to the deadline



This Week: Completed Tasks

Here is a brash list of what I did,


This week I:

recorded vocal recordings for the game's cutscene.

co-designed cutscene (layout)

designed the lose scene (layout)

finished soundtracks and all sound effects

Monday, 12 May 2008

final stages!

so the deadline it tomorrow!!
the game has come together in leaps and bounds today (again thanks to david!)

I animated all the destruction of the buildings and the bombs that the monster fires and now they are working in the game. the last few bits of code will be finished tomorrow, that being the city health bar and the craft spinning out of control when hit with debris from the explosions.

also I put few of the sounds in that Alan had collected and its sounding really good!

take a look at the (almost finished) working copy HERE

Title Page... COMPLETE! Instruction Page... COMPLETE!

Title Page:

Instruction Page:
The instruction page was created to be as simple as possible and get the point across really fast. The use of opacity of Mokoyoyo's ship expresses movement, repeating graphics to show continuity and less text keeping the user as engaged as possible all add to the success of the design.


Title Screen...

With the help of Will's graphic design, I have started to construct the first elements of the title screen. Like many game packaging, images taken from the game or even exaggerated are printed on the cases or title sequences. Here is an image of what I have constructed so far...

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Gameplay music...

The in game music has been completed with many different layers including sirens, explosions, electronic beats and screams! Using SoundTrack Pro, the contruction also allowed me to pan the stereo sound left or right to create a more impressive soundscape, very subtle though.

Click on to hear the clip:

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Cutscene Development

We have now decided that I (Alan) will be putting together the cutscene in software called 'Comic Life' by Plasq. It allows onself to produce a fantastic and stylistic approach. Will will be drawing the graphics to make sure it is consistent with the rest of the project too.

We have also decided that it will be a scrollable cutscene comic strip, a more unique take on setting the user's expectation...

the monster moving

ok so i've put the monster in and got him doing 4 movements now...
(with lots of help from David might i add!)

walking, firing(well sort of), roaring and the reaction to being hit by sushi.

theres a few glitches at the moment, but it seems the end is near with the coding!!

take a look at the working copy by going to the 'here is the game' link on the side bar and please fill in the feedback form if you havent already.

only the destruction